Sweeter thee Berry by Korah Wenn

Crispy Breakfast Sweet Potato Waffles


Enjoyable crispy sweet potato waffles are a must for any day of the week and especially for a weekend brunch with friends. Me, I sure do wish brunch was an option, but my little darlings are early risers and sleeping in is simply not in the cards for me. I seriously can’t remember when the last day I slept in over the last 5 years. Not that I would, but having the option would be nice… am I right? Nonetheless my greatest gift is the ability to see my little children gobble down a recipe that I adapted just for them.

A Little History

The name “sweet potato” is a misnomer. The etymology is shared with the common potato, but botanically speaking, the two have quite a bit of differences. The sweet potato is more closely related to the morning glory garden flower and its several varieties. Albeit a tuber filled with starch, most horticulturists tend to call them by their more appropriate name morning glory tubers.

Waffles are considered to be derived from Greek origins. Seeing as my children and I are learning all about what it took to live in Sparta and the origins of democracy, what a perfect way to fortify our learning of the most powerful warriors with … a waffle. Seriously, who would have thought that one of the most powerful nations with some of the strongest citizens as a whole created the delicate waffle.

Waffle on kitchen counter

A Few Health Facts…

The nutrient value of a sweet potato makes me feel good feeding my children a treat like waffles in the morning. Typically pancakes and waffles as a weekend treat, but when you can add vitamins A,C,B,B6 Manganese, and Potassium to the mix all guilt is gone! Not to mention if you are looking for ways to increase fertility( not me. I’M DONE!!!). Sweet potatoes have a healthy dose of Iron and Vitamin A; when deficient have been linked to decreased fertility.

Cooking Suggestions and Tricks

When I make this recipe I like to plan to make a lot. Like 7 Large potatoes roasted simultaneously. This can take an hour and a half or so. You can also soften the potatoes in the microwave which is easier if making for a smaller crowd. Be sure to puncture with a fork to release steam. You can also plan ahead by making preparing the sweet potatoes in the Instant Pot. My personal favorite option because they cook so fast. 60 minutes of hands free cooking is exactly where its at. These waffles freeze and reheat well and can last frozen for up to 2 months if stored properly. If you want to make sure the waffles are crispy once cooked, one must place them on a well vented rack so they don’t become a soggy steamed mess. The same principle must be applied if reheating. A hot 400 degree oven for a few minutes( keep a close eye, oven temps vary) and a vented cooling rack will make these taste as if they were made the same day.


Crispy Sweet Potato Waffles

A spin on the traditional waffle
Course Breakfast
Prep Time 35 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes


  • 2 Eggs Large
  • 2 Cups All Purpose Flour
  • 1/12 Cups Milk Whole
  • 1/2 Cup Butter
  • 1 Tbsp Sugar Brown
  • 4 Tsp Baking Powder Aluminum Free
  • 1 Tsp Salt
  • 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract


  • Preheat waffle iron at medium high heat. Cream together sugar and eggs until they become light and fluffy. Once combined, add in butter, milk, vanilla and mashed sweet potatoes.
  • In a separate bowl, sift in flour, baking powder, and salt. Combine the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients taking care to not over stir. Mix until just combined.
  • Spray preheated iron with a light cooking spray and pour in batter. Cook until golden brown. Place on well vented rack to avoid excess moisture and serve immediately.
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